Department Chair
Assoc. Prof. Snezhina Petrova

Assoc. Prof Snezhina Petrova graduated the National Academy of Theater and Film Arts in 1994 with a degree in Acting for Theater in the experimental class of prof. Margarita Mladenova, prof. Ivan Dobchev and prof. Georgi Dyulgerov. In 2010 she became Associate Professor of New Bulgarian University.
Among her many further trainings and specializations are: a workshop in acting conducted by Krzysztof Zanussi, webdesign to the Soros Center for Arts; contemporary dance - Rubato theatre, Art Management to the Soros Center for Arts, modern dance techniques with Robert Tannion, a viewpoints workshop with Jay Scheib, Project development and management at the Vocational Training Centre at NBU. In 2001 she received an Artslink grant for a residency in New York, where she participated in the workshop of Tadashi Suzuki. In 2004 she took part in the Mobile Academy in Berlin, and a year later - in the 41st International Theater Meeting in Berlin.
Snezhhina Petrova is co-founder and executive director of the Legal Art Centre association for independent theater projects. She is a full-time lecturer at the Department of Theater at New Bulgarian University, a full-time actress at the Ivan Vazov National Theater since 2009 and Head of the Department of Theater since 2012.
She has performed in landmark performances of Bulgarian theatrical life and worked with renowned directors such as Desislava Shpatova, Stefan Moskov, Yavor Gardev, Margarita Mladenova, Ivan Dobtchev, Galin Stoev, Stoyan Kambarev, Mladen Kiselov, Yuri Butusov and Lily Abadzhieva.
Snezhina Petrova holds a number of awards and nominations; she tours abroad and takes part in some of the most important international festivals.
Among her most prominent awards received are: Prize of the Ministry of Culture for contribution to the development and promotion of Bulgarian culture (2006), the IKAR Best Actress award (2007), the ASKEER Best Supporting Actress award for her performance in Strindberg in Damascus (2008), Best Actress award at the Festival of Bulgarian Drama in Shumen (2008) for her performance in A Small Play for a Children's Room, Best actress award at the Festival of German independent theater troupes in Stuttgart, Germany (2009), IKAR Best Supporting Actress Award in The Pigeon staged at Ivan Vazov National Theater (2010).
She has directed and managed students drama projects within the Theater program at NBU such as :
• Come Lie Down on Me, a drama based on Sylvia Choleva’s poems
• Flying by Olga Mukhina
• Midsummer Night's Shake, an interdepartmental theatrical musical project (2010/2011)
• Chekhov by night, a composition for piano and text (2009/2010)
• Wedding by Elias Canetti (2008/2009)
• Wedding by Elias Canetti, second version (2009/2010)
• Small Kingdoms by Elena Aleksieva (2009/2010)
• Commencement speech of Assoc. Prof. Snezhina Petrova on the occasion of Bulgaria's National Holiday and conferring diplomas upon NBU graduating students - The New Citizens (Universitetski Dnevnik (University Diary) Newspaper, issue N 3, 2013, pp. 4-5)
Contact information
Building 1, Room 513
tel. 02/8110 513